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Quick Info

  • Name: Aubery Lis
  • Alias: Astro(+10)
  • Age:
  • Gender: Agender*
  • Pronouns: They+She
  • Music Person
  • Decora Princess
  • Forever a raver!
  • Elysian Tunes
  • Kouyou
  • Curlwond, Kate
  • Algorithm Dude
  • ACDJH~2
  • Smoke
  • *.patch, Patch
  • NO_ID
  • (and many more!)

It is more like Girl-Flavoured Alien or something like that, but the "agender" one is also ok, 'cause i can't really be assed to go find a perfect label sticker to slap on myself, yet this one is familiar and widespread. You get the drill.

What I Like

  • flashy and vivid graphics
  • 80s to early 00s games and arcades
  • mint candy, pizza, tea and tofu
  • databending, glitch, corruption
  • raves, gigs and other musical events
  • pink, green mint and cyan! also rainbow gradient and the 3-bit palette
  • overloaded flashy colourful fashion
  • creating & learning to do all the stuff
  • talking to people (that's you!)
  • absurdic YTP caliber comedy
  • syntheziers of all sorts!!!
  • looking at cute or neat artworks
  • amen break and gabber bassdrum
  • foxes, cats, bats and other pretty animals

Core Interest: music

Sound and music is probably my deepest interest of all! I barely ever sit in silence - something from my (offline, owned-file) library is always on. Although i myself make electronics music as Elysian Tunes, the music i like varies greatly. I think music and sound are very direct effect interfaces to a human - at least to me - and that listening to it is key to living better. Check the player below for some of my favourite tunes!

all content (c) respective owners!





Core Interest: electronics

I've been curious about all the gears, wires, meters and bolts since i remember myself. Over time and after trying out a bunch of different things, my technical interest narrowed down to electronics - and that plus sound is a dangerously explosive mixture! Since 2016 i've been diving deeper and deeper into the pit of Synthesizer Do-It-Yourself (SDIY), and now can confidently say that i know a thing or two. I run a SDIY-centric sidesite which serves as my experimenter's notebook of sorts, where i publish my synthesizer designs that you can assemble into a working unit!

Awesome Gif TV

Fight Me!

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Core Interest: the digital

NES games were my childhood, Win98 icons circulate in my blood, and i swear sometimes machines are just easier to talk to than people. Low-level programming always fascinated me, and 70s to 2000s computers and game consoles have a special place in my heart. I ended up learning a moderate lot about explaining to the machine what you want, as in, programming. I think it's real fun! I do C/Assembly for microcontrollers, and plain web programming. I am opinionated on modern web 'eco'systems, and keep things as plain as possible: the bits i made that you may find useful are here.

Core Interest: visual & fashion

My main informational mode is audial, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying a nice-looking thing. Admittedly, 'nice-looking' in my context gets a little weird: both the stuff i grew on and my personality hint towards appreciating insane colourful overload a bit more than some other styles. Over time i discovered my own body as another canvas for me to paint on, and so i'm also big into Decora kei, with a side-dish of Gyaru and Lolita, of course. I enjoy making colourful web pages just as i enjoy making colourful kandi bracelets!

Photo Gallery

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Where to go now?

You read this page all the way through here? Then you should go explore the rest of this website! The site map is available on each page's left side - use it jump anywhere that seems interesting. It has a 'random page' option, if that seems more fun. Don't forget that Calm Mode is also always available from the site map. What's that, you want a top-five? Sure, here goes:

  • Elysian Tunes - my main project, music + worldbuilding + anthros!
  • Bright Moon Co. - software technology for enhancing your Neocities experience!
  • Outfit Log - a cute lil' diary for those times i wore something special!
  • ALICE - a binary logic simulator that can simulate entire computers!