Bright Moon Co. Resource License

I host a number of files, tools and other resources on this website to share with others. I provide the resources free of charge and am looking forward to seeing people get creative with them!

However, certain terms of use apply to you, the user of my resources. This is not a long and boring document, and it outlines a few simple conditions on which you are otherwise free to do whatever. So, read this carefully. The text below is written "legal asshat" style, necessary to make the message clear so that both your and my ass are safe. <3


  1. Me: Aubery Lis, the webmistress of this website. Elysian Tunes, Bright Moon Co. and other imaginary branding encountered on this site and through the links presented is also just me.
  2. You: the person who is, or collective of people who are using my resources as an element of their own work.
  3. Resources: sound and image files, code listings, programs, and any other data you download from, or content you generate using my website.
  4. Media: that what you make using my resources. A song, a game, a movie, a website, etc.

Main license

The resources are distributed under Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0. This means that you should credit me in some way or form when you use my resources, can tweak and build upon them, and your derivative works are automatically licensed under the same license. In addition to this license, terms of use exclusive to my resources apply, and are listed below. These terms are not automatically propagated to your work, but you are encouraged to create your own terms of usage document, and may reuse any of my conditions.

Terms of use

  1. Please, do not redistribute my resources anywhere; instead, give people a link to my website.
  2. You may not use my resources as training data for any machine learning, "artificial intelligence", or adjacent tool.
  3. You may not reuse pieces of my resources as part of resource packs that you distribute. You may not create your own resources out of mine and redistribute them, including methods from point 2.
  4. The resources may be used in any type of work. Music, video, crossmedia, games, visual arts, anything you find fit. Use them as they are or obliterate them till they are something entirely new - this is up to you.
  5. The resources may not be used in media backing any political stance or ideology that promotes hatred, exclusion, or any other form of hindering of people based on their immutable traits, e.g. transphobia, racism, and such.
  6. Your media may not be part of any blockchain information system or alike, e.g. NFT.
  7. Your media may be commercially aimed as long as you are an independent individual working on your own project; it is the resources themselves that may not be commercially redistributed.
  8. In case you are a group that has commercial aim (e.g. a game studio releasing on Steam), you may use my resources as long as your group counts 15 people or less, are not part of/hired by a bigger enterprise.
  9. Crediting me is obligatory as per the Creative Commons license, but i leave the actual choice of how to do it to you. A simple shoutout somewhere will do, although mentioning me in credits is always appreciated. The appropriate credits are "Aubery Lis" or "Elysian Tunes", with a link to this website.


The license and terms of use are not negotiable. However, if you feel like it does not cover your particular use case or have an inquiry on using my resources in a bigger-scale commercial project, feel free to reach out to licensing(at)